This month by far was one of the best months I have had. It was great because I was able to do well in the SHELF exam at the beginning of the month, and it was also my birthday at the the end of this month. My birthday this year, was especially special because a group of kids from my community were able to come see me and Tulane Med. I still talk to one of my advisors that was a big influence in my life, and I told her that I really enjoyed Tulane and its school. Where I come from most kids don't even finish high school, and at one point in time that was gonna be me. It was with the help and guidance from her and a few other teachers that gave me the will power to go to school and strive to be better. She decided to fundraise to help bring the kids out to see a person who made it out. This to me was an amazing and humbling birthday, because I am able to give these kids something that I never had which was a positive role model. I am hoping that they could see that if a person like me could have made it out they can to. I hope to continue to make my God, my family, and my community proud. Monthly hours:15 hours